“In spite of the diversity of backgrounds and interests among participants there is a common denominator that unites us. We want the UN, the multilateral architecture to deliver more and better and to respond to the global governance challenges of today’s world. Global Futures Forum has expanded the space for that conversation”
H.E. Maria Fernanda Espinosa, Co-Chair Coalition for the UN We Need and 73rd President of the General Assembly.

“Civil Society are essential partners in the preparations for the 2023 Ministerial Meeting and the 2024 Summit of the Future.”
H.E. Antje Leendertse, Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations and Co-Facilitator of General Assembly preparations for the Summit of the Future
“Your efforts contributed to the success of the UN 75 Declaration. What is needed now is the political will to accelerate action on Agenda 2030 and to reinvigorate multilateralism.”
H.E. Alya Al Thani, Permanent Representative of Qatar to the United Nations and Co-Facilitator of the SDG Summit

“I applaud the participants of the Global Futures Forum for sharing their ideas and insights on the future of the United Nations. The U.S. Mission values its close working relationship with civil society, and we look forward to working with all stakeholders in creating a more inclusive and responsive UN.”
Ambassador Christopher P. Lu, Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations for U.N. Management and Reform
“Globally engaged civil society was vitally important to the process that developed the Sustainable Development Goals, and will be equally important in the achievement of a successful SDG Summit.”
H.E. Fergal Mythen, Permanent Representative of Ireland to the United Nations and Co-Facilitator of the SDG Summit

“As we prepare for the Summit of the Future in 2024, the Global Futures Forum is playing a critical role in amplifying the voices and perspectives of civil society. The Forum is a concrete example of inclusive multilateralism, injecting diverse, intergenerational and interdisciplinary perspectives into the global debate. This contribution is of great importance to the success of the Summit of the Future.”
Guy Ryder, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Policy
“The most exciting part about GFF to me, on a personal level, was the intergenerational co-leadership model we had executed. The organizing team constituted young people, but they were backstopped by those with decades of experience in this space, who were willing to be steered by the youth. Youth discussed and led in agendas and themes that crossed “the youth agenda”, and the thematic tracks were each co-led by a young person, a civil society representative, and a think tanker or scholar. Young people were really keen to learn from the experiences of their preceding generations as well. I think we saw a real display of intergenerational respect and equity at the forum, and that for me was both exciting and inspiring.”
Nudhara Yusuf, Global Governance Innovation Network Facilitator | GFF Coordinator

“The regular input by civil society into UN processes is essential; it allows leaders to engage at an early stage with world citizens, who in the end are the most impacted by global governance.”
Alexandre Stutzmann, Minister of Parliamentary Relations with the United Nations and European Union Delegation to the United Nations in New York Office
“African civil society, through ECOSOCC, are willing to engage, and have been engaging, through the AU Agenda 2063 and the Agenda 2030. . . . Platforms like this can help provide a bridge to enable African civil society to better engage in UN activities and in the work for a better UN.”
Khalid Boudali, Presiding Officer, AU Economic, Social and Cultural Council

“GFF took the lead on how we can start pushing for a real youth engagement at international spaces. Creating spaces where young people can showcase their work, ideas and solutions and -at the same time- are seen as experts in their field that have much to bring to the table”.
Sofia Bermudez, UNESCO SDG4Youth leader | GFF Youth Coordinator
“What we can’t achieve alone, we can certainly achieve all together, with more humility and less monopolization.”
Eliane El. Haber, UNESCO SDG4Youth leader | GFF Development track co-lead

“A forum from and for the voices of all – a global and inclusive – representation of what governance worldwide should represent (with many milestones yet to achieve). So let’s take learnings from the GFF to drive forward a shift and change in our global governance towards a new paradigm for sustainable growth and development”.
Nandini Harihar, Research Analyst at Council on Energy, Environment and Water | GFF Environment track co-lead

“Many thanks for sharing a model of intergenerational cooperation that draws on the experience, energy, and altruism of older and younger stakeholders from a multiplicity of sectors and locales. I look forward to watching and learning from this space as it continues to grow and flourish.”
Lili Nkunzimana, UN Representative for the Baha’i International Community