You can participate in the UN2020 Initiative by joining one of our working groups. Read about what each of the working groups is responsible for and then sign up.
Fundraising/Finance Working Group
- Develop funding proposals, budgets and concept notes for UN2020 events and other activities; tailor according to donor requirements.
- Develop and maintain a list of existing & potential donors and sponsors.
- Schedule and organize meetings with potential funders and follow-up.
- Maintain fundraising tracking matrix to include potential funders, proof of concept requirements, meeting dates, email follow-up dates, next steps.
- Organize fundraising activities.
Events, Dialogues & Program Development Working Group
- In cooperation with UN75 secretariat, encourage CSOs to convene UN75 formal focus groups, informal conversations, online discussions and social media chats with diverse constituencies at national & grassroots level, focusing on youth and marginalized communities.
- Harvest recommendations and ideas from UN75 dialogue outcomes to generate messaging for UN2020 advocacy & communications working groups.
- Track UN75 related studies, research and meeting outcomes that feature UN reform innovations for UN2020 advocacy strategy.
- Develop program for UN75 NGO forum or a series of forums depending on funding.
- Support UN75 NGO Town Hall Meetings hosted by the PGA, UNDGC, UNDESA.
- Organize and/or cosponsor side events at key UN calendar events such as CSW64, Beijing+25 forums, 2020 NPT Review Conference, HLPF 2020, UNGA 2020, UN Day.
- Support co-sponsored events organized by UN2020 partners.
- Maintain calendar of key events for 2020.
Advocacy Working Group
- Organize civil society advocacy at UNGA, missions & national capitals during the negotiations of the UN75 political declaration in the lead up to the UN75 Summit.
- Coordinate UN75 advocacy with MGoS advocacy of the HLPF Review negotiation.
- Develop and coordinate messaging for proposed UN75 civil society declaration.
- Develop advocacy strategy targeting UN75 political declaration once it is adopted in September 2020.
Media and Communications Working Group
- Content Creation
- Branding and Design
- Social Media and Website Strategy
- Advocacy and Promotion